Orthodox Christians across the nation are being called to serve those in prison, but they can’t do this alone.

THIS NATIVITY SEASON we are raising support to kickstart three new training programs and we need your help. 

New Training Programs for Prison Ministry

Certificate Program in Prison Ministry (Available Now)

OCPM and St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary have partnered together to create the new Certificate Program in Prison Ministry, the first program of its kind in the United States. 

The Certificate Program in Prison Ministry provides clergy and lay volunteers that are interested in prison ministry the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience to effectively lead and support people in prison. Students will learn from the most experienced chaplains and volunteers in Orthodox prison ministry in the country.

Early Church History: Receiving the Ancient Faith Behind Bars (Available Now)

OCPM is now offering parish-based prison ministries a new curriculum, Early Church History: Receiving the Ancient Faith Behind Bars, to be shared in a local jail or prison with people of all faith backgrounds. The curriculum has been specifically created for the prison audience and will cover material most people in prison have never heard before, their first point of contact with the Orthodox Church. 

For parishes who discern a calling to teach this course, OCPM will provide coaching and eventually in-person training to equip you for your local jail or prison.

Coming Home: Parish Re-entry Certification Program (Available 2024)

Coming Home empowers Orthodox churches to welcome and support individuals transitioning from incarceration into society. 

Many individuals find or grow in the Orthodox faith while in prison and, once released, look for an Orthodox parish to join. Unfortunately, many churches are ill-equipped to assist formerly incarcerated people as they reintegrate into society. Coming Home strengthens the capacity of churches to engage with this vulnerable population, and in return help to reduce recidivism rates, promote rehabilitation, and foster a sense of community and belonging for the formerly incarcerated and those welcoming them into their parish life.

"The simple things we do are not so simple."

An interview with Fr. John Kowalczyk on the importance of small acts of love for the incarcerated.

Do You Believe in the Future of Prison Ministry?


For making us part of your Nativity almsgiving!

You truly do not know the full impact of your gift.


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