
Thank You For Your Support On Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday!

This past Sunday, Orthodox parishes all across the United States took part in Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday. This day of awareness aims to inform Orthodox Christians on the ministerial work being done in prisons and how they can participate.  The impact of this ministry is far-reaching and it transforms lives. Fully supported by the Orthodox faithful, we as […]


OCPM Continues to Minister this Lent Despite COVID-19

First, thank you for your support throughout OCPM’s history. We continue to serve those who are incarcerated and their families, and provide resources, training and support to our ministry partners so that lives are transformed and God is glorified. Your support has made that possible. As you may know, I was appointed as the new […]


Entering Lent Strong: 2020 OCPM Semi-Annual Board & Strategic Plan Meeting Complete

This year, from the 13th-15th of February, board members and staff met in person or by video conference in Houston, Texas working throughout each day towards implementing the vision of the OCPM mission: To serve those who are incarcerated and their families, and provide resources, training and support to our ministry partners. Since last year, […]


Fr. John Kowalczyk delivers workshop at Drexel Medical College

For the third year in a row, Fr. John Kowalczyk gave a three hour workshop at the Drexel Medical College 27th Forensic Conference, held on Wednesday, December 4th 2019. Fr. John Kowalczyk stated the following: “Working with mentally ill inmates who are in the (RHU) Restricted Housing Unit or Solitary Confinement, one will be confronted […]


Fr. Stephen’s Interview at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary

Fr. Stephen Powley and Fr. John Kowalczyk recently visited St. Tikhon’s Seminary to present OCPM to the seminarians and minister at the local prison. The St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosts an Ancient Faith Podcast series called “The Spirit of Saint Tikhon’s” where Fr. Stephen spoke about the powerful work of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry. Listen […]


Fr. Stephen Powley and Fr. John Kowalczyk Visit St. Tikhon’s Seminary to Present OCPM & Minister

Every year, OCPM Fr. Stephen Powley and Fr. John Kowalczyk make a trip to St. Tikhon’s Seminary. This year Fr. Stephen was able to visit with his wife, Ashley. As always, it was reported that their “hospitality was beyond words” as they were kindly provided a room and meals. This year, the visit took place […]


OCPM Attends Meeting Regarding the Homeless at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese

Last week, 10 pan-Orthodox ministries came together at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese for a two-day meeting addressing homelessness. Executive Director Fr. Stephen Powley and Director of Operations Paul Politis represented the OCPM. There were three main objectives purposed: To learn from one another, highlight strengths and areas for growth, and create ties for greater collaboration […]


Fr. Stephen Represents OCPM as Keynote for Youth and Family Conference in Dallas Texas

Father Stephen Powley was recently the keynote speaker for the Youth and Family Conference hosted this year in Dallas, Texas from July 25-27. Father addressed their younger-aged group of around 150 people aged 15-32 years old.  The conference, which saw around 550 people, was themed “Celebrating the Abundant Life: The Orthodox Christian Way.” Father Stephen […]


St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church Makes Significant Commitment to OCPM

This past Sunday was Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday (PMAS), a day where parishes and parishioners highlighted the powerful work of prison ministries. Many churches passed an additional tray on that Sunday and sent the donations to OCPM so we can continue in our mission of servicing the incarcerated and their families as well as providing […]


Local Parish Supports OCPM

The Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) works to facilitate the intent of Orthodox Christians to “do good works” within the penitentiary system. The cumbersome and inconsistent rules surrounding who and what can enter a prison makes direct action nearly impossible. For this reason, we have OCPM trained clergy and lay volunteers ready and willing to […]