Finding Truth in Prison

Susan Was Convicted of Fraud, Then She Discovered Orthodoxy

In prisons across the country, there is no shortage of well-meaning churches and other religious organizations trying to teach “the way.”  Texas prisoner Susan writes that it felt like “the religious equivalent of a personal injury TV lawyer.” If the constant bombardment and myriad Bible studies wasn’t off-putting enough, she writes, the prison chapel experience was. Each week a different ministry would come and she would give them all a try, but nothing felt right.

 Susan was so desperate and hungry for the truth that she even taught herself Biblical Greek, thinking that if she knew the original language of the Bible, she would finally come to understand it. “Instead,” says Susan, “I was just frustrated in two languages instead of one.”

But she didn’t give up. Her constant cries for help were answered when a Greek-American priest referred her to OCPM. She corresponded with OCPM staff and chaplains who patiently answered her questions about Orthodoxy. “Everything in my life began to change as I gained a greater and deeper understanding of God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice,” says Susan.

“I learned true repentance, accountability, humility, confession and redemption, a disciplined prayer life and deeper love for my neighbor, all through the teachings and studies from OCPM.”

OCPM is often the first place that prisoners will hear about Orthodoxy. All of our materials, correspondence, and training are designed to convey the fullness of Orthodox doctrine and tradition.

Susan is studying to be a paralegal and is looking forward to being released soon.

“I used to dream about getting paroled and what I would eat first (a big salad!), reuniting with family and friends and finally getting a good night’s sleep,” says Susan. “Now I dream of finally hearing the Divine Liturgy (no matter the language) and experiencing the Mystery of the Eucharist.”

Scores of men and women are languishing in the battlefield that is prison. Many are ready to repent of their crimes and embrace the fullness of Orthodoxy. Please support OCPM so that more prisoners like Susan can finally come into the truth.

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