Loving someone…because He loved us first! A dear sister in Christ shared the following story with me and gave her permission to share it with you. May we learn to love others, because it is the right thing to do and it is what we are made to do!! Before she shares her story, here is a most excellent quote that puts it all in perspective. With the love of Christ…Fr. Stephen

“We must see to it that our pleasing of others always ministers to their good in some way, edifies them, adds something to their character, and makes them braver, truer and happier. The world is full of discouraged people, and we have the power to say a hopeful word or do a kindness which will drive the discouragement from their hearts and move them again, with strength for brave, victorious and songful living. Love is the greatest thing in the world . . .add something to the life of everyone.”
St. Alexandra, Tsaritsa of Russia (Taken from 2016 Daily Lives, Miracles, and Wisdom of the Saints and Fasting Calendar – The Orthodox Calendar Company)

Dear Fellow Orthodox Christians,

I would like to share an experience I had with a young man who is now in a State Prison.

A friend of ours was staying with us because she came to our town to see her son and daughter-in-law who just had a baby. I spoke with our friend about Faith and Prayer and I was praying for her son and his family.

I had never met this young man before but knew he and his wife and new baby were coming over to bring the baby to their Grandmother (our friend) to watch. I felt led to cook a meal for the new family and give them a baby gift. When they came into our home, I could feel the evil of addictive parents and I felt compassion for them. I hugged them with congratulations. We fed them the dinner and gave gift. As they left, I knew they were quite uncomfortable to be in our home.

Years passed by and this young man ended up in a State Prison as a hardcore criminal. His mother asked us to write to him. I prayed about it and started writing to him with much prayer every day for his protection and salvation. Time has gone by as my husband and I keep in touch with him.

The other day, my husband visited him in prison and had quite a soulful and revealing conversation. The young man revealed to my husband that after coming to our home, he was thinking about robbing us and maybe having to harm us. However, because of the meal of love, etc. that we gave him and his family, he could not follow through with it. We are now in a blessed friendship with him, still in much prayer, and he knows that we love him by the Grace of our Lord.

May the love of God that dwells in us overflow to others to know the depth of God’s unconditional love for them and save them!!!